
Donations are needed to keep the cost of El Roi Retreat affordable for women who wish to attend. El Roi is a not-for-profit ministry, though donations to it are not currently tax deductible. If you would like to give toward the weekend’s events, please consider donating in one of the following ways:

Donation amount of choice

Funds will be used exclusively for the retreat, to keep costs low for attendees. Donations may be sent via Square or snail mail. Please make checks out to Karen Peachey, and send to:

Karen Peachey
19 Jenkins St
Belleville, PA 17004


If you would like to cover the cost of one woman attending El Roi ($150), please contact Gina Garber for more information. Sponsorships are need-based and will enable women with limited means to attend.

Call or text: (870) 528-0138

Email: [email protected]