
El Roi Retreat was created to encourage and offer hope to ladies as they navigate their healing journey from past wounds using supportive teaching, small groups, art, exercise, and worship.

Our first retreat was held in 2022.

Our 2024 dates will be Thursday, April 4, to Sunday, April 7.

We are at capacity for 2024, and registration is closed. Email us at [email protected] to be added to our wait list.

2024 Retreat

Thursday, April 4 to Sunday, April 7

We are excited about our 2024 line-up of topics! In addition to serving us as worship leader, Bettina Yoder is joining us as a guest speaker this year.

Bettina Yoder

Bettina Yoder is a mental health counselor and works at The Peacemaker Center in New Holland, PA. She considers it a deep honor to offer safe spaces and hope to people whose hearts and voices have been silenced through trauma. In her leisure time, Bettina loves finding a new trail to bike, cooking, painting, or spending time in nature.

2024 Topics

The Power of Attachment – Bettina Yoder

Our attachment style develops during the first months of life and shapes our emotional connection to other people. Understanding the formation of early attachment provides insight into the complexities of interpersonal relationships. We will consider four major attachment styles and discuss how relational connectedness is crucial to human thriving.

Stewarding Our Sexuality – Karen Peachey and Lisa Detweiler

(Karen) God-Honoring Celibacy in Singleness, More Than Just “Don’t”:  To honor God with our sexuality as singles involves more than simply being sexually abstinent.  Our sexual beauty and desires are not wasted if we are single.

(Lisa) God-honoring Fidelity in Marriage, More than just “Do”:  To honor God with our sexuality as wives involves more than simply being sexual with our husband.  Our marriage needs to be built on faithfulness, intimate knowing, sacrificial love, and passionate celebration (based on Dr. Juli Slattery’s book God, Sex, and Your Marriage).

Incredible Integration – Gina Garber

We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and in our being, we represent a Triune God: different parts, yet one interwoven whole. As we care for the health of each part of us, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, our whole being will be healthier.

The Deceptive Layers of Abuse – Mary Sadler

We tend to think that abuse can be easily recognized and identified, but sometimes it’s more tricky than it first appears. Abusive statements are meant to create doubt and confusion which make it difficult to see things clearly. This can lead to self-blame, normalizing abusive behavior, and feeling like you’re going crazy. This topic will include a demonstration that depicts the layers of deception that lead to confusion, ways to recognize the abuse for what it is, and how to respond to abuse in a healthy way.

2024 Additional Highlights

Worship Time – Bettina Yoder

Worship unites our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves into a tapestry of expression and connection with the Creator Himself. The worship times at El Roi invite you into singing, silence, guided meditation, and corporate prayers.

Recreational Art – Diane Horst

At a young age, Diane began discovering the transcendent power of art – the space that does not need words, yet is free to speak. She regards art as a form of therapy and enjoys walking with others through the process.